Autumn-Section 5-Seers and Familiars  

Posted by MysticHourGlass

“You see what you caused Tristan. How could you be so careless? I am glad you called for me before this gets any worse” a deep voice said with a hint of carelessness.
“You cant tell anyone I found her. If they knew she was still alive they would kill her.” Tristans voice reverberating off the walls sounding panicked.
“How can I not tell the order that she is alive? She is our down fall, remember?”
“Damnit, I do not need to be told that again. I came to destroy her but she is harmless. She lives alone with her cat.”
“Sounds like you have spent a lot of time getting to know her.” the smirk in his voice was more than evident. “Tristan you cannot expect this to go unnoticed. She may seem to be harmless now but what if she find out who she really is?”
Tristan sighed. “I don’t know but I have this feeling. This isn’t right Luther and you know that.” his voice edged in anger.
Autumn’s consciousness slowly hit her as she listened to what was being said. They were talking about her and she didn’t understand anything they were saying about. She lay still wondering who Luther was. She felt as if she had been struck by lightening and her head pounded with every word they said, but she knew something was wrong and she had to find out what.
“You know that the reason Seers are not supposed to procreate with their familiars. That bond goes against reincarnation. It breaks the cycle. Their destiny is not here in this world.” Luther rubbed his palms together his foot steps moving closer to her bed.
“Yes, I know but how can that be? She has a soul. How can a person be born into this world without a destiny? I do not understand how familiars and seers were the chosen by the Gods and not to procreate.” Tristan sat in her computer chair.
“Do you need another history lesson? I knew you never paid attention to your father. Seers are the only ones blessed by the Gods. They are the ones who give the familiars their power to foresee the future. If a seer and a familiar has a child that child is brought into this world pure. Tristan, that means they have no past life and has never had a destiny. The souls of these children are believed to be Gods angels being reincarnated to this earth. This breaks our cycle and we are condemning ourselves for condemning the gods angels to mortality.” Luther exhaled as he finished his long speech.
“How do we know that for sure? Is it that familiars and seers are not supposed to procreate because once upon a time our powers became so powerful that we almost destroyed the world with our predictions and power?” Tristan slammed his fist on the computer desk.
‘You do not blaspheme the word of our doctrine. You know that it was told by the gods to not procreate with our familiars because we are damning his angels to mortality on this earth forever and as long as the Gods want us in their service we will continue on moving from life to life doing work for them. And be quiet or you will wake the girl.” Luther walked heavily to her dresser.
Silence filled the room for so long that Autumn’s muscles were screaming at her to move out of the position she was laying in. She jumped as Luther spoke.
“I will not say a word about this to anyone. Tristan you have saved my life many times and kept many of my secret, but I must warn you if anything gets out of control I will kill her myself.” He walked over to Tristan and they embraced. “Now I must go before she wakes up and starts to ask questions, and remember what I said” Luther barely finished his sentence as his foot steps disappeared from the room.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:57 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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