Autumn-Section 1  

Posted by MysticHourGlass

“She was sitting there quiet as she could possibly be, a fly on the wall. She kept wondering if she could go on with this pain that seemed to consume her. How could one situation happen over and over again? She raised her hand to her face wiping the cold sweat from her brow. October winds were howling behind the dark and hot day. The leaves curled up at her feet reminding her that not all things last forever. How could he leave her like this? The bench where all things used to fall into place. The place that used to bring her solace. He promised her forever and she believed him, but did forever entail an empty person void of any feelings. Respect?
She slowly rose from the bench leaves falling around her she took the mossy path, alone. Here she was once again going down the road that took her forever to build. She wondered where her lover had gone as she walked into the October wind and disappeared behind the leaves. One day he will come she whispered. One day my story will be told“

She sat listening to her fourth period math teacher Mr. Patton talk about the Great Depression. It never occurred to Autumn that Lang High School was a bad metaphor for her life. The dinginess and the oppression. The room was bare of anything except the old wooden desks they sat on and Patton’s desk at the front. Sure there were posters with the normal "reach for the sky," motto plastered everywhere, but somehow she wondered how she came to love this place. Perhaps it was how she was, plain. Her blonde straight hair had no volume, she was always in the bare essentials as far as clothes went, but she new what made her stand out were her emerald green eyes. No one had seen eyes as beautiful as hers but that wasn’t enough to put her into the popular crowd. She had long since given up on trying to fit in. The new guy in school was worth a try as she looked at his long lean legs propped up against the legs of the desk . His hair was so dark it had a blue tint to it that matched his dark blue eyes perfectly.
He was dangerous she thought as the bell rang. All she knew was she wanted him like a wave that needed the world to revolve. Dangerous was right she would definitely spin off her axis if he even talked to her. Autumn gathered her books and rushed past him, but not before their eyes met. His eyes were a sea of black that she couldn’t comprehend. It made her nauseous to look any longer so she turned and walked dizzily to the school parking lot. Dumbfounded she new it wasn’t a possibility that he even noticed her. Some things are better left alone she told herself as threw her books into the back of her blue ford focus begrudgingly. She knew she was destined to be alone but it still did not make her visibly upset stomach feel any better.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:54 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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