Autumn-Section 4-Power  

Posted by MysticHourGlass

She stepped into Mr. Patton’s class for the first time with a smile on her face. She scanned the crowded room her eyes meeting his. She smiled as she took the seat next to him. She felt odd at how much powerful she felt in his presence. He took a little bit of the black hole away from her soul and somehow filled it with light. He made her feel as if there were a promise for tomorrow. She didn’t care if they only spent the day together he gave her a new purpose.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Carly a Heidi Klum look a like who was sitting behind Tristan. Her jean skirt hiked up so high that if you turned and looked you could more than likely see everything. Girls like that made Autumn mad because it was girls like her that made it seem okay to be a whore.
“What did you do like get laid?” she laughed cinnamon blasting her in the face. “Honey there is no way in hell he would have any interest in you. He wouldn’t go for a total loser,” Carly brushed her hair out of her eyes with her fake bubble gum pink nail.
“What makes you..” Autumn stopped mid sentence as Carly leaned up and whispered something in his hear. Tristan laughed and whispered something that she couldn’t hear back.. Autumn’s temper flared as she stared into Carlys blank blue eyes with rage. Something came over Autumn as she stared. She felt in power. A feeling she could dominate the world. She could make her do anything she wanted. It was the most amazing feeling. Black spots blurred her eyes as if she had come out of the sun. Her hair stood up on the back of her neck sending chill bumps down her arm.
“You don’t know who your messing with you fucking blonde bimbo.” Autumn stood over her. She put her hands on the side of Carly’s desk bending down into her face.
The black spots turned into a pit of darkness as she felt Carly’s soul pour into her body intertwining with her own . A materialistic and naïve soul. Every word of gossip, every tear she had made her family shed, and most of all the dirty thoughts of Tristan poured in like an electrical current. Images of her running her hand down the front of his pants, images of kissing, images so explicit Autumn had never known anyone to ever do, and most of all images of them sharing a life together, a dark haired baby with midnight blue eyes. The last image drove her over the edge. Not one good thought in that beautiful head.
Autumn’s thoughts felt fuzzy as she came across a glimpse of herself. She was wearing a white empire waist dress. She wore a gold crown incrusted with pearls and she was crying. Autumn broke eye contact with Carly. The darkness of Carly left her like water draining out of a bathtub. Autumn heard screaming but all she could see was the last image that burned in her retina. The pain she felt in that image seeping into body. She was breaking into pieces. Bloody tears ran down her face. This pain was nothing like she had ever felt before.. She was cold, alone, blood poured down the front of the white dress like a waterfall. Blackness filled her eyes and the image was gone. The sound of her name being screamed was the last thing she heard as she hit the floor.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:01 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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